
2011-present   Palindrome works closely with MotionComposer GmbH to develop technology and methods for working with persons with other abilities. The MotionComposer is a device that turns movement into music.


In 2004, Palindrome did a workshop with persons in wheelchairs, and this made us think about re-focusing the motion tracking equipment we were using (which was from Frieder Weiss), for persons with other abilities. In 2010, at an EyesWeb workshop, a brilliant young musicologist named Alicia Peñalba came to us with a similar idea.  She, and Fundacion Musica Abierta invited us to Valladolid to do workshops with kids with cerebral palsy. From there, the idea grew and grew. In 2019, MotionComposer will be bringing the 3rd generation device on the market!