The Oklo Phenomenon

2008 - This evening-long piece had two versions:  one in the Fertigungshalle, Nürnberg, and one at AMBER Festival in Istanbul.

"A funny piece about serious catastrophes" - Nürnberg Nachrichten

Its a kind of autobiography... Its a piece about what it takes to change one's life. Sometimes it takes a catastrophe. Sometimes it only takes a cello. Ten dancers, three musicians (including a renowned experimental cellist), various interactive (motion tracking) effects and... uranium? "The sense that nothing will change unless we are shaken to our roots - like after a major catastrophe, a bomb, an earthquake, whatever. Survivors know what Im talking about. You know what they say, "if it doesnt kill you, it makes you stronger. well, Bull shit." . Press on Oklo. Performance History "Oklo" brings together a number of proto-oklo projects and sketches: December 2006, first draft choroegraphic material (no technology), Fertigungshalle, Nürnberg. September 30, 2007; Coda (the fifth element). performed in Fertigungshalle November 18, 2007; Coda (fhe fifth element). Hörzu Festival, Bremen January 25-27, Brotfabrik Bonn; film production, Mysterious Skin" solo April 3, 2008; SEAMUS, Salt Lake City, Performance, "Mysterious Skin" solo from The Oklo Phenomenon April 14,15,18, 2008; Tanzen08 Festival Nürnberg, Performnaces in K4 Nürnberg, "The Pattern Dance" September 23, 2008; showing of interactive cello sections of Oklo, The Construction Company, New York City Premiere: 7,8 November 2008, AMBER'08 body-process arts festival, Istanbul Oklo is co-produced by BISD, Body Process Arts Association. Technology EyeCon motion tracking, MAX(msp) sound design, custom DMX light control software Cast Robert Wechsler -- director, dancer Delphine Lavau -- production manager Dan Hosken -- composer/musician Madeleine Shapiro -- composer/musician (cellist) Thomas Ploentzke -- graphics/interactive engineering dancers: Allie Keppel Jennie Gerdes Lisa Stockinger Jonathan Buckles Serhat Kural Yesim Coskun Esra Yurttut Ecem Alfan Munibe Millet